25 July, 2008

Bryan/College Station Homebrew Club

Analytics shows me that people come to my blog looking for information on homebrew clubs in the Bryan / College Station area of Texas. Since I am trying to start one up I thought it good to increase my pagerank with a little post about the new club.

My wife and I moved to Bryan in January 2008 from San Jose, CA. I was part of the Sudzers homebrew club there, and upon arriving in the Bryan/College Station area I checked around for clubs. Not finding any I decided to try starting one. Using Craigslist and the TexAgs forum I quickly amassed a number of homebrewers.

Our first meeting happened in April with about 20 people showing up to brew beer. The second followed a month later and the third will be this weekend.

We do not have a name or web site yet, but I hope to decide upon that this weekend. If you want to learn about making beer, or like drinking good beer drop me a line on Facebook, MySpace or Twitter. Follow this blog too, check the posts labeled brewclub.


1 comment:

smd said...

Oh man, I wish I could make it...

Perhaps I'll just sit here and drink my Great Divide Hercules IIPA and read my Haskell papers instead ;)

Know any good brewers in Austin?
